New treatment available at The Sanctuary!
Sue Harrison, our head therapist has been undergoing training in Health Kinesiology 1, 2 and 3. We are delighted to say she can now accept clients for this therapeutic treatment.

Our bodies have an innate ability to sustain health and balance. Sometimes we just need a little help to activate it. Health Kinesiologists provide this help for your body to heal itself. We balance your whole energy system and, in doing so, facilitate a self-healing process.
Health Kinesiologists use gentle muscle testing combined with verbal questioning to communicate directly with your body’s unique energy system. This highly skilled technique involves applying light pressure to a muscle (commonly your arm) and monitoring how it responds. If the muscles holds steady, the system is responding with a ‘yes’. If the muscle is spongy, the answer to the kinesiologist’s question is ‘no’. The Health Kinesiologist offers your system a wide range of powerful procedures designed to rebalance and trigger self-healing, and your body is able to select those procedures that will be the most helpful to you by saying ‘yes’ with a steady muscle response.
Each procedure your body selects via muscle testing highlights one part of the stress that has upset your system. As acupressure points are held, your body regains balance around the highlighted stress and moves back to a healthier state.
Another way to understand how Health Kinesiology triggers repair is to look at its basis in the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Both Health Kinesiology and TCM are based on the understanding that our wellbeing is dependent on the balanced flow of energy around our systems. Energy instructs the physical body about how to structure itself and function.
Many factors can upset this flow of information, or energy, around our systems and put it out of balance. Environmental toxins, allergens, microorganisms, electromagnetic fields and other frequencies, and psychological stresses like worries, fears or limiting assumptions we may have about ourselves—all of these may block the flow of information around our bodies, causing the affected parts to forget how to grow and work correctly.
Our bodies are doing their best to communicate with us—that twinge of pain, the pang of indigestion, the headache, the back-ache, the depression, the general feeling of being out of sorts—all of these are signals from the body that we need to make positive changes in our lives.
Gentle muscle testing opens a channel of communication that allows the body to select corrections from Health Kinesiology’s uniquely designed system of protocols that will rebalance it so that the flow of information about correct structure and function is restored. The body then responds to the renewed flow of enlivening information and repairs itself.
Health Kinesiology’s balancing methods include the use of magnets, flower essences, aromatherapy oils, self-touch, body positions, thoughts and memories that mirror the traumas at the heart of the client’s mental, emotional and physical stresses.
Please ring reception for further details and to book your appointment.