Meditation Reminder
Friday 21st. January (UK) and Monday, 24th. January (US).
It’s Tony here, contacting you on behalf of the UK World Meditation
Alliance Group and Mark’s WMA group in the US.
At the bottom of this email you will find the details of our forthcoming
meditations, plus log in details.
I am pleased to report that last Monday I sat with Michael Reccia, who
once again entered into a trance state to bring through spiritual
communication on behalf of us all. We filmed the session and will be
featuring it on our Youtube channel shortly. I will announce details once
the editing is completed… we will probably present it as two videos:
‘Soul Group Messages 6, parts 1 and 2’.
The addresses, delivered by two communicators, and ending with an
overview from ‘P.G.’, were absolutely fascinating and of special
significance to Michael, as the spirits delivering the messages were very
close to him in this life and have now moved on to higher vibrations.
Joan, the first speaker, was a highly evolved soul whilst on Earth and
spent a long number of years teaching Michael how to hone his
mediumistic skills to the level they are at today.
I gather from past discussions with Michael that when he was under the
tutelage of Joan he developed his gift to such an extent that Joan could
begin bringing through a message from the higher side of life and
Michael could then take over and complete the message, with them
both seeing, hearing and communicating with the same spirits at the
same time – such was the level of synchronicity between these two
linked souls.
I don’t intend to go into the subject matter of the two messages here,
but for me they were sublime, and also what was instantly apparent is
the amount of help and love we are all receiving at this difficult time.
There is no doubt that Meditation generally, and ‘Intention Meditation’
specifically, are making a huge difference to the way events are
unfolding here on Earth.
When we sit together – on Fridays in the UK and Monday evenings in
the US – we are linking together and connecting to the loving Universal
creative force. We are participating in the higher perspective plan for
our world and for all souls here – a plan that is harmonious, nurturing
and inclusive of everyone and every aspect of creation here.
I feel so proud of what we, working together as a group, are achieving.