Young and Widowed
Support Group
For 1-1 support, please ring reception on 01254 246940 and ask for Sue.

We are here for you.
When you suffer a bereavement your world can feel like it has stood still. Everyday tasks can seem impossible and supporting other members of your family a challenge. We are here to help and support you through your journey, run and set up by others in the same situation to offer a listening ear and friendship. Contact us to learn more.
My husband died age 43 after 27 years together, I lost my husband, my best friend, and dad to our three sons. Thankfully, I had a friend who was in a similar situation and we helped each other through that time of pain by talking daily, sharing thoughts and laughs. Without each other the journey would’ve been much more isolating.
I was able to set up a support group at The Sanctuary of Healing to offer support and friendship to other young widows and widowers as it was apparent that you face different challenges to people bereaved at an older age. Dealing with your children’s grief, financial worries, lost futures (anniversaries, weddings, promised holidays, retiring together) The group was not there to say; be strong, hold it in, do it for your children, but to let your grief out how you want to, be angry, cry or feel hurt. Also laugh, dismiss limiting beliefs, talk about what’s next.
Topics covered have been varied, being a single person again when your friends are married, creating a new identity, dealing with conflict, dating, going on holiday, facing events by yourself, whatever is brought to the group each week. The intention is to provide a safe, confidential space to talk and from it great friendships have formed. We have nights out, guest speakers and some members even organised a weekend away.
I am proud of every single member of our group and feel privileged to be part of their journey.
– Sue Barsby-Marshall